This was a popular request - a table where you can see all the players, their status, total points, points per game and their upcoming fixtures. This was also a very logical request as this would enable anyone to make the work less tedious when comparing players to pick every time (the official FPL site only allows to check the upcoming fixtures of one player at a time).
So here it is. I added only next 5 fixtures just to make the width of the table comparable to the rests we have in this website. Adding many more was also possible but then the users would be moving left and right all the time using the sliders and that may not be ideal experience. The colors used are exactly same as that one used on official FPL site to rate the FDR (Fixture Difficulty Rating) and vary from Dark Green to Dark Red representing the difficulty ratings on the scale of 1 to 5.
As always, this table will be directly placed on under the menu 'Season 16/17' to make it always easily accessible. Hope everybody finds it useful. Till next post